Defining __iter__
The __iter__ method should return an object that implements the iterator
protocol. An example with a Python
class Queue (object):
# We need to keep a pointer to the head and tail of the queue. As
# long as the queue is not empty, head is the first node and tail
# the last. Of course, if the queue is of length 1, head
# and tail are the same node. Both for efficiency reasons (len() in
# constant time) and to be able to determine when the queue is
# empty, we will also keep track of the queue's length
__slots__ = ["_head", "_tail", "_length"]
# Note: each queue node is a 2-element list: [item, next_node]. If
# the node is the last in the list, next_node is None.
# __init__, __len__, enqueue, and dequeue clipped -- see
# the full implementation
def __iter__ (self):
return QueueIterator(self)
class QueueIterator (object):
__slots__ = ["current_node"]
def __init__ (self, queue):
if len(queue) == 0:
self.current_node = None
self.current_node = queue._head
def __iter__ (self):
return self
def next (self):
if self.current_node is None:
raise StopIteration
item = self.current_node[0]
self.current_node = self.current_node[1]
return item
Weaknesses of this approach
- Labor Intensive: We had to define a completely separate
class in order to implement the iterator protocol for our
container class.
- Poor Encapsulation: Our iterator class required explicit
knowledge of the private structure of the container that it is
iterating over. A change in Queue will require a change in
- Fragile Iteration: If the queue is changed during iteration,
the behavior of existing iterators is undefined from Queue's
standpoint (Queue would need knowledge of QueueIterator to
precisely understand the behavior).
Can it get any easier?